
Films & TV

King Saud – L.A. Detective Story – 2023

Cities Of The Underworld – Documentary/History – 2020

Aqui Y Ahora (Newsmagazine) – 2019

Airplane Repo – online Doku 2019

Documentary – “Katalonien” 2018

Feature Docu “Climate Warriors” Germany 2018

Age of Tanks TV Mini Series Documentary BBC 2017

Film Docu “That Which I Love Destroys Me” USA 2015
“Die Garmisch Cops” – ZDF Krimiserie , Germany 2014
Feature Docu – “Hindenburg and Hitler – The Making of a Fuehrer” – Germany 2013
Drama/Action – “FELON” – USA
Art Film – “Someone Like This” – USA
Thriller/Horror – ” Hollywood Kills” – USA
Drama – ” Prince of Swine” – USA
Thriller – “HATCHETMAN” – USA
Additional Music for “The Day after Tomorrow”, “Star Trek – The Next Generation”, “CSI”
Drama -”The Strange Case Of Mr. Kappa” – France /Germany/Italy
Art House -”Last Fight” – USA
Drama – “Every Child Counts” – Germany / South Africa (Awards: – Silver Medal New York Film Festival – NTVA Music Gold Quality Award)
Road Movie-”One Of Us”- USA / Germany / Spain
Thriller – “HITMEN” – USA
Action – “Reflex Action” – USA
Drama – “Love, Ltd.” – USA (Award winning AFI film)
Comedy – “Baby Shower” – USA
Comedy – “Au Pair” – Germany / Great Britain

Art House – “Click Me Darling” – ARTE Germany / CBC Canada
Thriller – “Tatort – Bier vom Fass” – ARD prime time Germany
Thriller – “Grosse Freiheit” – ZDF Germany
Mini Series – “Stella Stellaris” – ZDF
Family Series – “Forsthaus Falkenau” – ZDF Germany
Family Series – “Kurhotel Sonnenschein” – ARD Germany
Telekolleg – education program
Nachbarn – political program
Bayerischer Sommer – Bavarian summer festival
Liebes Bayerisches TV – Bavarian lifestyle magazine

21st December 2015

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